“To let go is to finally obtain the strength of vulnerability”

The beautiful Ms L came to me recently for a boudoir session. She wanted this all for herself. To help her to see herself from a different perspective.

We all get this way sometimes don’t we? We are too focused on the everyday things, always a big rush getting everything done, helping others, just doing life that we can forget who we are in the process. Ms L wanted a reminder of “the other part” of her – the part that isn’t just about making lunches and rushing to work… all the stuff we do every day.

She also had the great idea of trying some rose petals in her photos. Now I’m not sure why I hadn’t thought of getting some before, but I was totally up for the idea. After a bit of hunting I managed to find some great fake petals to use. Ms L was thrilled with the results, as was I!

Here are a few from Ms L’s session. Get in touch to book yours!



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