Today our top 5 finalists will have the photos and “bio” paragraphs posted on our blog as well as our Facebook page. Voting will be open until 10pm on May 14th. We will tally the votes and announce the official winner on May 15th.

Voting is done by clicking “like” for the individual picture/bio post. This can be don both on our Facebook page as well as here on our site. The winner will be the lady with the highest total number of  “likes” with both sites added together.

If for any reason the winner is not able to fulfill her two required sessions, we reserve the right to pass the opportunity on to one of the other contestants of our choosing.

Ladies – thank you so much for entering – all of the entrants. It has been incredibly difficult to narrow it down to 5 from all of you that originally entered. Now the choice for our winner falls into “your” hands…… remember  to click the “like” button below the individual post. Good luck!


Darren & Niki



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