
I have another chance to win a complimentary session. This time it’s a 2 hour in studio Pin-up Session with 3 8×10 sized finished digital files!

For a chance to win you will need to :

  1. Agree to let 2-3 of your images be posted on the Facebook page and/or here in the blog.
  2. Send me a “pin-up” style photo of yourself – it can even be a “selfie”, doesn’t need to be fancy or all done up, just a pin-up type pose headshot – as long as it’s clear and in focus!
  3. Along with the photo include a brief paragraph on why you would like to do a pin-up session with me. Keep in mind if you are the winner this paragraph will be posted on the blog along with your “before & after” photos

I am accepting entries until 8pm April 25, 2015. The winner’s name will be announced on April 27th here on the blog & on the Dreamboat Facebook Page. The winner’s name will be drawn randomly from all acceptable entries (so make sure you send a quality photo & paragraph)!

Send your photo & paragraph entries to: bombshell-contest@thoughtful-impressions.ca 

Good luck ladies!



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